Snap-On Dentures with Mini Implants in Brooklyn Park, MN

Snap-On Dentures with Mini Implants

Are you missing all of your teeth because of injury or other dental conditions? If yes, opting for snap-on dentures is a better treatment option than conventional ones to replace missing teeth. 

Snap-on dentures have changed the definition of how dentures work. Unlike traditional ones, these dentures use dental implants placed within your jawbone. These implants hold the dentures in place. Usually, we use two to four implants in each jaw, but it may also depend upon your condition and requirement. Once the implants fuse into your jaw, an implant-supported denture is set in place. 

Snap-on dentures use the same style of implants as dental bridges for their base. The best thing about this treatment is that you can connect or remove dentures with your hands using light pressure. Schedule an appointment with us if you want to make your dentures treatment more stable and comfortable. 

What Makes These Dentures Different? 

Conventional dentures make the use of a mold of your mouth to create the restoration and use glue or suction to attach them to your jaw. You are expected to clean them regularly like your natural teeth and store them safely in water or solution when not in use. Traditional dentures have several drawbacks. 

For instance, they may become loose while talking, eating, or performing any activity that puts pressure on your mouth. Traditional dentures may also weaken your jawbone from reduced use. Dentures become loose over time and rub against your gum line. It may cause your gums to injure. You do not experience these problems when you wear snap-on dentures. 

How Do Snap-on Dentures Work? 

Conventional dentures rest on your gum line. On the contrary, snap-on dentures stay in place with the help of orthodontic implants. These implants are placed surgically in your jaw in particular areas to support the dentures. Afterward, we snap your dentures into place using titanium studs. While you can remove dentures anytime you want, implants remain irremovable. 

In some cases, we also use a metal plate with the implants to run over your gum line. It makes your dentures bind magnetically to this plate, hence keeping them in place. In other events, we use small magnetic connecting points and attach them with the implants to bind your dentures. 

What are the Benefits of Snap-on Dentures? 

  • Snap-on dentures with mini-implants are a more stable solution than traditional dentures. 
  • Unlike traditional dentures, they do not become loose. 
  • These dentures improve your chewing ability. 
  • They are more natural-looking than conventional dentures. 

To find out more about the dental services offered at Zane Dental, call (763) 561-1200 or schedule an online consultation. You can also visit Dentist in Brooklyn Park MN at 7340 Zane Ave N, Brooklyn Park, MN 55443.

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